Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Let's give this blog thing a try...

Writing is something that has always come easy to me. I can write reports, assignments, even articles for a school newspaper many years ago, but when it comes to journaling my personal thoughts and feelings oh boy - I go blank. I've been seeing a therapist since April 2007 to help with all of the turmoil I've been experiencing; past issues and my current marriage. One of the things my therapist wanted me to do is journal. I tried but it was one of the most difficult things to do for me. Perhaps getting in the habit of writing something, anything in my blog will help me overcome this stumbling block.

If you choose to follow me - welcome and I hope you enjoy the ride. I plan to include some of my poetry, photography and tid pits about my family and pets. These last two years have been a wild roller coaster of a ride. My husband and I have gone through a lot - separated and found our way back to each other. He's working hard to overcome his personal challenges and together we are striving to make a better life for ourselves. With the help of friends and family, our own commitment to our marriage and each other and by the grace of God, we will be successful.

Thanks for stopping by to visit and I'll post again soon.

(Be sure to visit my brother in laws blog... His name is Kevin Rumsey and he is tasked with helping Afghans to get water and sanitation to desperate and displaced Afghan people.)

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